Preemptive Offenses

Monday, April 8, 2013

Words Fail Me Dept.

Sometimes, all you can do is laugh...or cry:

Roman Catholic, Jesuit-affiliated Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington has refused to recognize the Knights of Columbus as an official student group because — wait for it — the Knights of Columbus is a Catholic organization.

Gonzaga administrators notified the students who had sought the school’s official seal of approval last month, reports The Cardinal Newman Society’s Catholic Education Daily.

“The Knights of Columbus, by their very nature, is a men’s organization in which only Catholics may participate via membership,” reads a letter written by Sue Weitz, vice president for student life. “These criteria are inconsistent with the policy and practice of student organization recognition at Gonzaga University.”...

“If Gonzaga was an institution that served only Catholics and limited the benefits of the collegiate experience only to them, the decision-making process may have been different,” she also opined. “To embrace the diversity and yet endorse a group based on faith exclusivity is a challenge that cannot be reconciled at this time.”...

The Knights of Columbus, founded in 1882 by a Connecticut priest, is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization.

A student-organized Knights of Columbus branch was successfully established at Gonzaga in 1999. At some unspecified point thereafter, though, the group’s officially-sanctioned status lapsed.

There also appears to be a building on Gonzaga’s campus named after the Knights of Columbus. According to the GU Bulldog Blog, the bland, brick edifice houses a members-only bar called the Christopher Columbus Club. Members must pay a $20 fee, get referred by another member and be at least 21 years old. (There’s also free food involved, and a t-shirt.)

The madness of permitting non-Catholic attendees at Catholic educational institutions -- coupled to the craze for "diversity," of course -- brought this about. Catholic schools were hungry for the revenue non-Catholic students would bring them, at a time when rising educational costs were pressing Catholic families more severely than most others. With the above development, we have reached the nadir of the degeneration.

Does anyone seriously doubt that a group of Muslim students who petitioned Gonzaga for the formation of a chapter of the Muslim Students Association would be denied administration approval? Indeed, would Miss Weitz even have taken notice of the affiliation of the MSA with the openly jihadist Muslim Brotherhood?

The country, Rush Limbaugh has told us, is dying. I can no longer doubt that he's right, for the above is the sort of chancre that appears when the diseases of moral relativism, multiculturalism, and self-loathing reach their penultimate phase.


1 comment:

Old Sourdough said...

The symptoms are everywhere. Rush is beginning to talk more about the threats than he used to. As a matter of fact, today's show was replete with references to the fact that many things that are alarming now were laughed at 5 or 10 years ago. Many eyes are being opened, and I, as a Catholic, am going to be doing some weaponized praying from now on.